Saturday, April 18, 2009

Trip to Nocalula Falls

The ONLY attraction in our county is Nocalula Falls. I have been there at least 20 times in my life. IT had been a long time since the kids had been so all the cousins went. Might I add that this was the first day we saw the sun in over a week .

The troops going through Fat Man Squeeze

Easter in Alabama

All the pictures of the family turned out HORRIBLE!!!! so here is the ONLY good one of the kids and it IS NOT that good at all ughhhhhh

My sweet kids

Sweet Home Alabama

Do you like to go home? To the place you grew up? Do you miss the sights and smells of your childhood?
We travled to Alabama on the TRUCK :O. The suburban was dead and would not take us on our beloved trip so we took my truck. Ohhhh myyyyy. Let's just say it was a tight squeeze. Luckily , we did not meet any rain as all our luggage was in the back of the truck. The kids did very well, the best they have ever done as a matter of fact. I finished one of our read alouds-that was an accomplishment in my eyes. Had we been in the 'burb' I would not have been able to read as I would have to scream so the boys could hear me in the back.

We saw the first dogwood tree in Georgia. I really miss seeing dogwoods in bloom. Seeing those white flowers lets one know that spring is coming when you live in Alabama. My anticipation was building to see my parents farm in bloom...the whole mountainside.

Unfortunately , I only took one pic of a dogwood while there. Geee, for someone who wanted to see them, I sure didn't photo them...

We went to our home church, Harvestfield, on Easter. What a joy to see all our old friends.
A smile went over my face and my heart warmed when I saw the Bruce family, having been through so much over the past 3 years. Mark Bruce was shot in the head, by mistake , before hunting in fall of 2006. He underwent months in the hosp learning to care for himself , walk , talk etc.
He passed his driving test on Good Friday. My understanding was that it was quite an intense undertaking..lots of test, driving etc.
My heart just warmed when I saw him and Angela lifting their hands to the Lord in praise.
Truely prayers answered.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

more pics of nature study fun

Nature Study fun

We loaded up our Sonlight tote, nature books, pencils and camera and headed to the part of our subdivision that has been deemed 'preservation'. A pond sits off the road. It is real small, not sure if a dry pond or a spring fed since it still has some water.
The kids had a blast drawing and doing leaf rubbings.
Delanie wrote a poem, a hiku to be exact.
I even got all inspired and wrote a poem.

It was so windy and chilly though. We actually had jackets on. The wind was blowing so strong.
It would be calm and then a huge puff of wind would barrell through.
The clouds were flying madly through the sky. They would all be together then just disapate. I told the kids that I wanted us to study clouds since we really have some great views of the sky , we can sit at some places in our subdivision and see the sky for miles.

RE-alouds from dad

My throat will be hurting at the end of the day from so much talking...oh I mean reading :)

It was so nice to have Pat to read to us that night as a family. He reads to the boys every night, a book of their choice but tonight it was family time.

and CC really got all relaxed

Nathan says the funniest things

We had the pleasure of Pat reading aloud to us Wed night. We are currently reading Walk the Rim . The boys got into a discussion about how the indians must have smelled bad. Nathan said to Jon Tyler, very seriously, "they had that soap that ours evolved from". He was talking about lye soap. I thought it was hysterical .

Indians Indians Indains

We have been studing Indians in Core 3 of Sonlight. The boys (and yes-Delanie) have been loving it. They have held onto every word of every story and lesson. I wanted to add just a little to our lessons. I heard that some of the museums around here had some great Indian artifacts from the Seminoles. I call one and found it out it was FREE FREE FREE. I called the kids together and told them to get on shoes as we were going to a museum. They scattered like flies , all yelling questions in thier excitement. They were beyond happy !!!!! What ? Mom doing a field trip at 2:30 in the afternoon? Is she ok? She didn't plan this for weeks? WOW, mom is being a "spur of the minute gal".

Side note: Remember next time I decide to go somewhere with Nathan in his 'boot' to go early in the am to ensure we get a park close to the entrance. Needless to say, Nathan got to ride piggyback that day. Does anyone know how heavy that boy is with a boot on ......very....

A dug out canoe found
here in Lake County.
Made from pine.

Seminole jacket

The colors are just brillant and bright.

Delanie found a dress that she claims is the "most beautiful dress she has ever seen".
We had such a great time. The museum was not HUGE by any means. Everything was on one floor. But, the collection was items FROM the local area, in the county.